20 Sep Newsletter September 2021
Discover our project by watching our online events you may have missed:
1) Webinar AMTCC project
During the Erasmus+ Project AMTCC Webinar «Developing the key skills of people far from work», that took place on the 27th of August, we carried out the dissemination of the ReSolution project. The Webinar was held in French and English, moreover it counted 44 participants from several European countries and there were two interpreters. Watch the event videos here:
2) We bring you closer to work! #ReSolutionEU meeting!
This event was organized by CEPS Projectes Socials to present the project tools to local audiences in Barcelona. On the 21st of May 16 people from organizations from the social sector took part. Watch the video (in Catalan and Spanish) here:
This event was organized by Pour la Solidarité on the 25th of May, to present the project resources to French speaking audiences across Belgium and France. You can watch the video here (in French):
Meet our partners!
O.R.So. (Italy) ![](http://www.projectresolution.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/oros-300x205.png)
Hi, let us introduce ourselves! We are O.R.So., a social cooperative born in 1987 based in Torino. We operate in different territories of the Piedmont Region (north-west of Italy) mainly in the field of active labor market policies, youth policies, migrant integration policies and training activities.
O.R.So. designs and manages various kinds of services with the aim of promoting equal access of disadvantaged groups in the labour market and full citizenship of people in society: youngsters, NEETS, unemployed adults, people with disabilities, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. O.R.So. offers training and consulting services for public and private companies and also design and management of employment services, guidance, information services.
The professional skills involved in O.R.So. are: guidance counselor, counselor for information services, social-cultural animator, social workers, legal experts, designer of active employment policies, counselor for employment services, expert for Job Insertion of disabled people, social researchers, public policies experts, experts in migrants inclusion, psychologists.
O.R.So. has a long experience in managing migrants inclusion activities and projects: since 2009 ORSO has been coordinating different multi-partnership projects within ERF (European Refugees Fund – now AMIF) and EIF (European Integration Fund – now AMIF) projects and some projects for new enterprises development led by refugees granted by a Bank Foundation (Compagnia di San Paolo); besides that Orso has managed several migrants inclusion projects funded by local and regional authorities. O.R.So. promotes and manages different “SPRAR/SIPROIMI and CAS” projects (Projects belonging to the National Italian System of Protection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) in the area of Region Piemonte. In these projects O.R.So. Is the leading actor, providing reception and inclusion services for asylum seekers and refugees (basic assistance, legal assistance, job inclusion, guidance, education and vocational training, Italian language training, psycho-social and health assistance).
O.R.So. is a member of Coordinamento Non Solo Asilo, a regional network of organisations dealing with asylum seekers and refugees programs. As part of Coordinamento Non Solo Asilo ORSo is participating in Europa Asilo, a national network of actors working with refugee programs. Together with the other members of the network, we have been organizing a summer school since 2014 and several seminars and workshops in different Italian cities. O.R.So. has a long and consolidated experience in the planning and management of services dedicated to migrants, particularly those with fewer opportunities and in risk of social exclusion (women, refugees, asylum seekers, victims of smuggling), and finalized to their social inclusion and full citizenships.
Follow us !
Have a look at our news section for updates on the project http://www.projectresolution.eu/actualites/ and follow our hashtag #ReSolutionEU on social media for related information.