22 Jan Newsletter – December 2019
The project aims to close the gap between professionals who work directly with NEETs (Neither employed, nor in education, nor in training) and long-term jobseekers that have been unemployed over one year.
To this end, a number of free online tools will be created:
• An innovative toolbox of practices to inspire the target group;
• A training tutorial;
• A MOOC (Massive Online Open Course);
Project Kick-Off in Montbéliard, France
On the 3rd and 4th of October the lead partner IDEIS hosted the first meeting in Montbéliard where all the project partners met to coordinate the actions for the next two years.
The 7 partners from 5 countries bring together different expertise on designing and implementing training for employment professionals:
- Cooperativa Orso (Italy)
- IDEIS (France)
- Galileo Progetti (Hungary)
- CEPS Projectes Socials (Spain)
- GIP FTLV de l’académie de Besançon (France)
- Pour la Solidarité (Belgium)
- Réseau des Cités des Métiers (France)
Workshop in Montbéliard @ Sem Numerica
On the 29th of November, the IDEIS team held its first internal workshop to start working on the guidelines and implementation of the training platform and MOOC, which will be piloted for employment advisors across Europe.
The aim is to design a platform for professionals that is intuitive, easy to use and has a wide variety of content in several languages.