Local events

In order to collect the opinion of the professionals of employment and training about the MOOC and tools created within the framework of the project, the partners of the ReSolution project have organize a number of free online events in May 2021. Access the links below for more info about these local events.

Find here a summary of local events (in French): Synthese-de-reunions-locales-ReSolution-de-mai-2021

May 20, 2021, 7 p.m., Montbéliard, Des outils innovants pour mobiliser / (re) mobiliser les publics éloignés de l’emploi, event organized by Ideis (in Franch)

21st May 2021, 10 a.m., Paris, Accompagner les publics éloignés de l’emploi : évolutions et outils pratiques , event organized by RICDM (in French)

21st May 2021, 11 a.m., Barcelona, T’apropem a la feina! Trobada #ReSolutionEU, event organized by CEPS Projectes Socials (in Catalan and Spanish)

21st May 2021, 2:30 p.m., Torino,  Le persone lontane dal mercato del lavoro: chi sono e come possiamo supportarle nel loro percorso di inserimento , event organized by Cooperativa ORSo (in Italian)

25th May 2021, 9:20 a.m., Brussels, ACCOMPAGNEMENT SOCIOPROFESSIONNEL : CHANGEONS DE REGARD! event organized by Pour la Solidarité (in French)

28th May 2021, 10 a.m., Presentation of the MOOC, international event organized by Galileo Progetti, with the presence of Pour la Solidarité (in English)

31st May 2021, 9:30 am, Presentation of the MOOC, local event organized by Galileo Progetti (in Hungarian)